Tuesday May 10-Chicago. Barbara's Bookstore. Pon, Lo + Nnedi Okorafor & Claudia Guadalupe Martinez (I'll be there and I'm really shy so feel free to just come up to me and start chatting :D)
Thursday May 12- Cambridge, MA. Pon, Lo + Holly Black, Sarah Rees Brennan, Deva Fagan and Francisco Stork
Friday May 13-NYC. Pon, Lo + Cris Beam, David Levithian and Jacqueline Woodson
Saturday May 14-Pon, Lo + Matt De La Pena, Kekla Magoon, Neesha Meminger, Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Rita Williams-Garcia & Jacqueline Woodson
I wish I could attend all the events, but please go out and support all these wonderful authors (I've read books by all but three of the authors mentioned and I'm going to remedy that asap). Do you plan on attending DiYA? Where? Link to your post about the event please!