AWAM and I have a special relationship. Not only do I think I may be Genna's twin (although so does my sister and since we are nothing alike, one of us must be wrong. I'm definitely right in this case) but it was the first book I received to review and the first self-published book I ever reviewed.
I was so green to the world of book blogging that I didn't know that some bloggers don't accept self-
published books, but I'm glad I didn't know that because I would have missed out on the wonderful beautiful novel that is A Wish After Midnight. This book is the main reason as to why I accept self-published books. Because they may be as good as AWAM (the bar is pretty high) or excellent in their own way, you never know. Especially because authors of color don't get published as much, I really want to support as honestly as I can, all authors of color who self-publish books that I enjoy reading. And to show that I have excellent taste in books, Zetta's book is being re-published by Amazon Encore (hence the new cover. The first cover is the original, self-published one).

Here's my review (I suggest you read the other reviews listed below as well since they are more coherent)
Here are some other opinions
Still not satisfied? (Awfully hard to please, aren't you!) Here are more review links
Full disclosure: At the time I wrote my review, I had been blogging for a month. I "knew" Zetta a bit, we visited some of the same blogs and she was always very encouraging of me and Reading in Color from the very beginning. So I thought she was really sweet, but AWAM proves that she is a sweet person and a gifted writer. I have gotten to know her way more since the review and we are good friends now (she's definitely one of my mentors), but when I wrote my review of AWAM we weren't at the point of being good friends (and I had a tiny fear that I wouldn't like the book and things could become awkward, but these were unnecessary fears to have, hurray!) So if any of that makes me biased in your opinion, tough. Then read the book and argue with me about it (I'm so serious).
In honor of Zetta's release day and my wanting to share the awesomeness that is A Wish After Midnight, I've decided to host a giveaway! It also ties into Valentine's Day (you have to read my review for further elaboration) because there is a love triangle in A Wish After Midnight. Team Paul vs. Team Judah both vying for the love of Genna. I am wholeheartedly on Team Paul! However, I fear that since the sequel is being written from the side of Judah, I may be more inclined to be on his side.... (haha I'm so fickle).
To enter: You can either
A) Read my review (actually you better read my review regardless!) and tell me based on it and other reviews whose team you would be on. Paul or Judah
B) Leave a comment with your favorite POC literary couple. If you have for some sad reason (To clarify: I'm using the word sad to say that not having discovered a great POC literary couple is sad, not that you are a sad or pathetic person) not read a single book about a POC romance, then just leave me a comment answering "If you could have dinner with two POC literary characters who would it be and why?"
For both comments I would prefer if the books/couples you mention are YA/MG, but they don't have to be.
You must leave your email to be entered!
BTW I may upload a form (I'm too tired to do it now). IF I do upload the form and you've already commented, I will fill out the form for you. But I doubt I will get one. Next giveaway (and this is not my 200 followers celebration, I'm still waiting for something before I have that one, but thank you to my 237 followers, you guys are my Valentines!)
Extra Entries: I'm keeping it simple (What do you like about my giveaways? Dislike? Feedback is appreciated)
+2 Long time follower
+1 New follower
+3 Whatever else you feel like doing (commenting on reviews, Tweeting, linking, etc.) I don't really care. Just leave me a comment telling me what you did. 3 extra entries for every thing you do.
And if you add up your entries I will love you forever!
Ends: Feb. 16 11:59 PM CT
I hope everyone has a happy Valentine's day! Also stop by Zetta's blog, Fledgling to wish her congratulations on her re-release!
lawl, not entering because I have my own copy of AWAM and am going to get the new copy of AWAM sent to me because Zetta is the MOST AWESOME AUTHOR EVAR. BUT I want to participate in comments!!!
Man, I can only pick ONE POC couple?! Okay, um, since it's too obvious that I'll name Judah/Genna (lawl), I'll pick another couple: There was this ridiculously fluffy and oh-so-predictable romance between from Lensey Namioka's Mismatch: Sue/Andy!!!! I don't care if people judge me for reading the book, I have no regrets. 8D
So I'm having a party in my living room right now about AWAM! :D
ReplyDeleteI haven't read the book yet, but I "know" Zetta from reading her blog as well as her comments on other bloggers' platform. The first thing that touched me was her kindness and enthusiasm. *Call me sappy but I can't help it, lol*
Zetta, huge CONGRATS to you. I hope that you're enjoying the ride. :) *Soooo Proud of your accomplishment*
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ReplyDeleteI already have a copy of the book but just wanted to weigh in on Team Paul!!!
ReplyDeleteMy copy is on preorder so I will just say hurray for it coming!
ReplyDeleteI have a copy too, but I want the one with the new cover.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the middle of AWAM, so I'm team Paul.
Favorite POC couple? Hmmm, maybe Staggerlee and Trout in The House You Pass on the Way. Or Elisha and Jerimah in If You Come Softly.
I already have AWAM, so don't count this as an entry. Just wanted to say I found out about the book and Zetta here, and am so glad I did! Zetta is a marvelously talented writer and AWAM is a beautiful book. And I love the new cover!
ReplyDelete(P.S. Team Judah!)
ReplyDeleteI'm just chiming in with some support for your giveaway AND for Dr. Zetta!! So, here's what I'm going to do: If you get 100 people to enter the giveaway, I'll don't another book, so that there can be two winners AND if you get over 200 people, I'll donate a second book so that there can be be three winners. OK?!
Not YA but, Celie and Shug from The Color Purple are among my favorite couples anywhere. Oh the tears that I cry when I read that book. This books sounds great and I'd love to be entered! :) bastet57 (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI hardly read YA/MG books, and quite sadly enough, after thinking through the books I've read, it seems every POC book I read hardly has a romantic couple in it! (Like you said, it's sad. I need to remedy this..)
ReplyDeleteBUT, I'd definitely love to join this giveaway. It looks like a good book to start correcting my lack of POC literary couples... And from the looks of it, I'm thinking I might be with Ah Yuan on this one, Team Judah. Though I'll have to wait till I actually read the book first. =)
So. That's 1(comment) +2(old follower) = 3 entries?
Thanks loads.
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ReplyDeleteForgot my email, let's try this again:
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite POC couples is Motown and Didi from Walter Dean Myer's Motown and Didi, even though it has been forever since I read it. It was probably the first POC romance I ever read.
amapolaroja (at) gmail (dot) com
Based on your review, I would have to be Team Judah. Sorry! But I always ship the protag with the boy who is alive/in her time period. Maybe because I have no imagination. But there's unrequited love and then there's mostly impossible love. Granted I don't know what happens at the end of the book, but based on the details you gave...Team Judah.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am a new follower! So that qualifies me for two full entries. Whoo.
theenglishist @ gmail.com
Evelyn's named both my couples. We're hosting a giveaway at Color Online. You can only win at one site.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I'm not answering the first question is because I want to be surprised, but my favorite POC couple... hmm. Evelyn and Susan are right, Jerimiah and Elisha are a favorite from If you come softly. Or Marcelo and Jasmine from Marcelo in the Real World... even though they're not an official couple. Their flirtation was wonderful.
ReplyDelete+2 long time follower (as in I started following you before this contest?)
3 entries! Thanks Ari, this is awesome!
After reading your review, it sounds like I should be Team Paul. What girl doesn't like a chivalrous guy? But, I can't make a true assessment until I read it. It was a great review and thanks to all your gushing over A Wish After Midnight, I can't wait to get a copy for me and for my son to enjoy in the future.
ReplyDelete+1 comment +2 long time follower +3 tweet = 6 entries
Ooh! I read your review and I definitely think I'll be Team Paul!!!! I love the sound of him.
ReplyDelete+1 comment
+2 old follower
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
Please enter me in this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteLike others above me, I also like the sound of Paul. I especially like the fact that he's from the nineteenth century and thus has old-fashioned manners. The fact that he lives in a different period sounds intriguing.
+2 I'm a long-time follower.
+3 I tweeted: http://twitter.com/saemmerson/status/9140559271
Total: 1+2+3 = 6
saemmerson at yahoo dot com
Sarah E
Long time follower for two extra entries and...
ReplyDeleteHmm! I don't know! I think I would have to read the book to say for sure whether I'm Team Paul or Team Judah, but I'll go with Paul for now, since you said he's funny!
MANY, many thanks to Ari and all of you for your enthusiasm and support! I hope the winner enjoys the book!
ReplyDeleteI would be on Judah's side!
I just became a new follower of your blog.