Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Winner of Silver Phoenix and New Crayons

Good turn out for my Silver Phoenix giveaway :) I'm now almost at 100 followers and I need to think of a good way to celebrate! So stay tuned for more details on that.

Without further ado the winners (chosen by of Silver Phoenix are....

1. a flight of minds

2. Beth

3. Evelyn n. Alfred

Congrats to the winners and thank you everyone who entered! Winners, I don't have email addresses for all of you so please email me/leave a comment with your email address. You have 48 hours to respond to this post/my email. If not, I pick another winner.

Now onto my New Crayons post. This week was an absolutely fantastic week of books! New Crayons was thought up by Susan.

From HarperTeen

1. She's So Money by Cherry Cheva

2. Good Enough by Paula Yoo

From Justine Larbalestier (all Australian fiction. I'm so excited to read all of these!) She sent me so many books, but I don't feel like posting images or summaries of all them so just stay tuned for the reviews.

1. Unpolished Gem by Alice Pung

2. Nukkin Ya by Philip Gwynne

3. Deadly Unna by Phillip Gwynne (the sequel to Nukkin Ya and it's been made into a movie called Australian Rules)

4. Galax-ARENA by Gillian Rubinstein

5. The Pearl of Tiger Bay by Gabrielle Wang

6. Growing up Asian in Australia edited by Alice Pung (not YA but I'm still going to read it, I'm not sure if I will review it though.)

And I received more awesome books to read and giveaway! My September Contest Extravaganza may have to go into October :D

Have a great Labor Day weekend and be sure to check back tomorrow for the Male Monday post! Hopefully, I will be posting about the next giveaway later today or tomorrow so stay tuned!
Also, check out my two back to school book recommendations at AuthorsNow! I'm off to go work on more guest posts.


  1. :D Just sent you back an email now! Thanks for hosting such a wonderful contest! I haven't read many of those books, but I have read Good Enough and I enjoyed it a lot.

    - Alex

  2. I've read both She's So Money and Good Enough. I'm interested in reading your thoughts!

  3. Sent you an email with my address. Thanks so much. You are awesome! Looking forward to receiving Silver Phoenix.

  4. I guess I don't have your correct email address. It came back to me. My address is pbclark(at)netins(dot)net. Please respond with your email address so I can send you my information. Thanks.


I love to hear from you!! Thank you for sharing :) And don't be Anon, I try to always reply back and I like to know who I'm replying to ;)